57 results for Scripture Engagement


Best Practices for Hybrid Engagement
Curator Michael Palmer
3 resources
Church Engagement Ideas
Curator Kate White
6 resources


web resource
Scripture Engagement
The work of Scripture Engagement (available on the Bible Gateway website) comes from Taylor...
The Relational Judaism Handbook: How to Create a Relational Engagement Campaign to Build and...
This comprehensive guide is grounded in scripture and tradition to help transform...
Young Children and Worship
This book introduces a Montessori-style curriculum for children, connecting their capacity...
web resource
Strengthening Congregations: Paving the Road to Meaningful Young Adult Engagement
This web report from the 2013-2014 Union of Reform Judaism Young Adult Engagement Community of...
The Rise of the Nones: Understanding and Reaching the Religiously Unaffiliated
This book seeks to understand and to reach the religiously unaffiliated, relying on scripture...
The Stranger: Immigrants, Scripture and the American Dream
This 42-minute video puts a human face on immigration by featuring the stories of individuals...
Network of Biblical Storytellers International (NBS)
This organization offers online resources and a conference to bring together storytelling...
web resource
The YouVersion app offers free mobile application from the folks at LifeChurch.tv and makes...
Spiritual Abuse Recovery: Dynamic Research on Finding a Place of Wholeness
This comprehensive guide looks at spiritual abuse by clergy and lay leaders through a lens of...
Working the Angles: The Shape of Pastoral Integrity
The book is a complete commentary on the time-tested role of the pastor as a preacher,...
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