14 results for Suicidal Thinking


Human-Centered Design: Exchanging Pews for Strollers
Curator Victoria Sun Esparza
2 resources
Theology and Your Congregation
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources
Healing Hearts and Souls
Curator Tim Shapiro
5 resources


web resource
Faith.Hope.Life. Initiative
Faith.Hope.Life. is a suicide prevention web resource for all faith traditions, equipping them...
Question. Persuade. Refer. (QPR) Institute
This organization's mission is to reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing...
The Decision Book: 50 Models for Strategic Thinking
This workbook introduces 50 different models for strategic thinking, detailing a history,...
AEHS Study Day with Stanley Hauerwas: Preaching Without Apology
This video is a lecture about preaching as a vocation and as an act central to worship. ...
web resource
Sulam for Strategic Planners
Sulam for Strategic Planners (SSP) is a new program of United Synagogue to strengthen...
Starting Right: Thinking Theologically About Youth Ministry
This resource encourages readers to view youth ministry from a practical theology perspective...
Thinking of Forming a Non-Profit? What to Consider Before You Begin
This 25-page booklet reviews the questions to ask and steps to take before determining whether...
Launch: Starting a New Church from Scratch
This resource is a good starting point for those thinking about starting a new church --- read...
The Digital Cathedral: Networked Ministry in a Wireless World
This book uses the image of the medieval cathedral as a metaphor for what a networked 21st...
Are You Thinking Strategically
This article provides six leadership strategies to navigate change.
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