11 results for Suicide Intervention


Clergy Sexual Misconduct: A Systems Approach to Prevention, Intervention, and Oversight
This comprehensive book offers a systemic approach to clergy and congregation recovery after...
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
This organization provides a free suicide prevention lifeline that offers support for those in...
web resource
Standing in the Shadow of Love: The Role of the Black Church in Youth Suicide Prevention
This web resource, provided by Psychology Professor and Pastor Dr. Sherry Davis Molock,...
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
This organization provides information and support for suicide prevention, advocacy, and...
Communication Strategies for Addressing Conflict
This article discusses the role that miscommunication plays in congregational conflict and...
web resource
Faith.Hope.Life. Initiative
Faith.Hope.Life. is a suicide prevention web resource for all faith traditions, equipping them...
Healing the Healers
This series of short videos offers peer support for faith leaders who respond to...
Question. Persuade. Refer. (QPR) Institute
This organization's mission is to reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing...
web resource
SAMHSA Information for Faith-Based and Community Leaders: Publications and Digital Products
SAMHSA is a wealth of information and practical tools related to Substance Abuse and Mental...
The Trevor Project
This organization's mission is to end suicide among LGBTQ young people.
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