81 results for Technology Training


Caring Congregations
Curator Doug Hanner
3 resources
Technology's Impact on Your Congregation
Curator Heidi Campbell
4 resources
Leading Small Groups
Curator Marie Fleming
4 resources


web resource
Technology and Distanced Worship Resources
This resource list provides basic training for worship technology and strategies to stay...
No Stigmas Ally Training
This organization is created by NoStigmas, a nonprofit organization. It is a 3-module,...
web resource
Hearing Loop Technology
This webpage provides information about Hearing Loops, which allow hard of hearing individuals...
Church IT Network
This online community allows information technology staff to communicate, share advice, learn...
The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place
This book takes readers beyond the what, where, and when of technology to outline a better...
web resource
Church Tech Today: Technology for Today's Church
This website views technology as a vehicle for congregations to communicate and also shares...
HouseRight Production
This organization offers audio, visual, and lighting consultation, design, technology...
Risking Connection in Faith Communities: A Training Curriculum for Faith Leaders Supporting...
This training curriculum looks at the spiritual and psychological effects of trauma to help...
The Church Multiplication Training Center
This organization provides training programs for existing congregations to refocus their...
Center for Congregational Health, Inc.
This organization provides consulting and leadership training in a wide variety of areas,...
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