50 results for Urban Adults


The Urban Christian: Effective Ministry in Today's Urban World
This practical guide provides tools useful for urban ministry, challenging leaders to...
Urban Ministry: An Introduction
This book combines theory and practical tips to place urban ministry front and center,...
Urban Youth Workers Institute
This organization provides training and resources for effective ministry within communities...
Eight Urban Ministry Strategies
This article argues for a holistic approach and strategic planning to create effective urban...
Death and Resurrection of an Urban Church
This article details the story of an urban congregation in Indianapolis and how it adapted an...
Urban Apologetics: Restoring Black Dignity with the Gospel
Featuring contributions from a variety of scholars, this book focuses on ideologies in the...
Gateway to Church for Young Adults
This article highlights the ministry of Charlotte/One, an ecumenically-based ministry in North...
The Twenty-something Soul: Understanding the Religious and Secular Lives of American Young Adults
Through stories and interviews, this book provides a picture of young adults in America and...
Caring for Wellbeing of Older Adults during COVID-19
This list provides ideas for coordinating care and connection for senior adults during...
Growing Young: Six Essential Strategies to Help Young People Discover and Love Your Church
This resource draws insights from a study of congregations and young adults to present helpful...
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