108 results for Video Training


Caring Congregations
Curator Doug Hanner
3 resources
Leading Small Groups
Curator Marie Fleming
4 resources


Faith Video
Faith Video is a video content creation suite of tools that allows users to capture and...
No Stigmas Ally Training
This organization is created by NoStigmas, a nonprofit organization. It is a 3-module,...
web resource
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): Video Resource Library
This Video Resource Library includes approximately 120 free, diverse, and inclusive videos...
Training in Black Church Administration
This video lecture explores leadership responsibilities in the Black church, outlining...
Saving the Farm: Heartland Clergy Train to Prevent Agriculture Workers Suicides
This article and accompanying video showcase how some states, like Minnesota and South...
Black Baptist Church and Interim Ministry
This 35-minute video features Dr. Kilen Gray presenting about pastoral transitions,...
Youth Leader Training on the Go: Practical Leadership Development for Busy Volunteers
This DVD curriculum allows youth pastors to train volunteers remotely by sending video...
Interim Ministry Network
This organization provides training for clergy, intentional interims, or interim consultants...
Christian Stewardship Network
This organization aims to connect stewardship pastors and congregational leaders through an...
The Church Multiplication Training Center
This organization provides training programs for existing congregations to refocus their...
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