77 results for Web Design


Human-Centered Design: Exchanging Pews for Strollers
Curator Victoria Sun Esparza
2 resources


Religious Buildings
The annual Traditional Building magazine is targeted to professionals in architecture,...
The National Association of Church Design Builders (NACDB)
This organization provides congregations with information about the Design/Build method of...
Conexus Design
This organization is an architectural firm that offers contract planning and design...
web resource
22 Bible Verses about Mental Health
Este sitio web proporciona una lista de 22 versículos de la Biblia en...
Web-Empowered Ministry: Connecting With People through Websites, Social Media, and More
This comprehensive guide frames the internet as a powerful took to share, teach, and...
web resource
Creating a Hospice Ministry for Churches
This web resource can help church leaders design a death process for a church that is both...
Moments of Impact: How to Design Strategic Conversations That Accelerate Change
This resource helps readers design an agenda that will lead to new options and changed...
The Aspen Group: Church Design Builder
This architecture firm helps congregations discover, envision, and design space for...
web resource
Strengthening Congregations: Paving the Road to Meaningful Young Adult Engagement
This web report from the 2013-2014 Union of Reform Judaism Young Adult Engagement Community of...
web resource
Cultural Intelligence for Ministry
This web resource offers a Faith-Based Assessment for congregations to examine their cultural...
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