12 results for Intergenerational Ministry


Leading Spiritual Growth
Curator Kate White
5 resources
Ministry Podcasts
Curator the CRG Team
7 resources
Generational Discipleship in the Age of COVID
Curator Christina Embree
8 resources


InterGenerate: Transforming Churches through Intergenerational Ministry
Written by scholars and ministers in the trenches, this book addresses why churches should...
The New Copernicans Series
This series of short videos explores the nuances of faith, meaning, and everyday life in the...
LifelongFaith Associates
Led by John Roberto, this organization helps congregations develop sustainable faith formation...
Honoring the Generations: Learning with Asian North American Congregations
This resource explores opportunities for ministry in the Asian North American Christian...
The FYI on Youth Ministry
This Fuller Youth Institute (FYI) podcast shares research insights and creativity for vibrant...
ReFocus Ministry
This organization helps faith communities foster intergenerational discipleship, providing...
GenOn Ministries
This organization provides a wide range of services and curricula to foster faith...
web resource
Black Theology Project
This information hub offers Black church panel discussions, litanies, articles, campaigns and...
One Church, Four Generations: Understanding and Reaching All Ages in Your Church
This book describes the various traits of the four generations that comprise today's churches,...
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