8 results for Internal Controls


Church Online Giving
Curator the CRG Team
8 resources


Keeping Internal Controls in Check During a Pandemic
This on-demand webinar includes important reminders of the basics of internal controls and...
web resource
The Essential Guide to Internal Audit and Controls
This article helps organizations understand and implement best practices for internal...
web resource
A Parishioner's Guide to Understanding Parish Finances
This document is a tool to evaluate lay people's awareness of congregational finances and...
Accounting and Money for Ministerial Leadership: Key Practical and Theological Insights
This book written by a seminary professor introduces faith leaders to basic accounting,...
CapinCrouse, LLP
This company offers consulting on a wide range of accounting, financial, and management...
Internal Control Best Practices
This guide lists basic procedures for congregations to manage money and taxes.
QuickBooks for Nonprofits and Churches
This detailed how-to book helps churches adapt QuickBooks software and get started with basic...
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