
100 Days to a Healthier Church: A Step-by-Step Guide for Pastors and Leadership Teams

by Karl Vaters, Moody Publishers, IL, March 3, 2020


Pastor and author Karl Vaters believes that it is possible to assess the health of your congregation and take intentional, small steps to strengthen it in a short time period. This book offers an adaptable, 100-day, 15-week process to help your congregation identify and grow strengths while addressing areas of concern along the path to revitalization.


  • Daily big idea
  • Passages
  • Key verses
  • Thoughts to consider
  • 100-day plan
  • Church Health Continuum

Recommended Audience

ministry leaders, clergy and lay leaders, leadership teams


Purchase as book, e-book or audio book

Practical Applications

  • Accurately assess the health of your congregation by using the Church Health Continuum so that you can understand where you are coming from as you plan to grow forward.
  • Commit to taking the 100-day renewal journey with your leadership team, focusing together on the health of your congregation and how to improve it.

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