
This YouTube channel offers videos to help train and equip your congregation for effective online ministry.


  • Videos on topics such as how to upgrade a digital audio board, how to use AI for ministry, equipment installation, learning about audio distribution, why your congregation needs a Google account
  • Reviews of technology
  • Ideas for improving the digital footprint of your church

Recommended Audience

Media ministry teams in the Christian tradition



Practical Applications

  • Learn how to stream your services effectively by watching videos from this YouTube channel.
  • Use videos from this YouTube channel to train your media ministry leaders and volunteers in the setup and operations of technology useful to your congregation.

About the Contributor

Abby Miller

Director of Northeast

Abby Miller consults with congregations in northeast Indiana. She has experience resource consulting with congregations from her year as a Center intern in 2018. Abby received her undergraduate degree in ministry leadership from International House of Prayer University in Kansas City and her master’s degree in ministry at Indiana Wesleyan University-Wesley Seminary. She enjoys design and creativity in her free time.

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