67 results for Technology


Congregational Communication Resources
Curator Matt Burke
6 resources
Congregation Websites
Curator Aaron Spiegel
3 resources
Technology for Virtual Congregational Life
Curator Kate White
6 resources
Recruiting Technology Volunteers
Curator John Stange
3 resources
Tech: It's Not as Complicated As You Think
Curator John Girton
4 resources
Technology's Impact on Your Congregation
Curator Heidi Campbell
4 resources
Church Administration Training
Curator Aaron Spiegel
5 resources
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11 pieces of Advice for Tech Teams from Churches Across the Globe
This list of advice helps technology leaders avoid common mistakes and establish a strong...
web resource
Using Video in Rurality
This podcast episode can help congregations understand the benefits of video technology and...
web resource
Technology and Distanced Worship Resources
This resource list provides basic training for worship technology and strategies to stay...
The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place
This book takes readers beyond the what, where, and when of technology to outline a better...
Does Your Church Really Need an App?
This brief article from ChurchLeaders describes reasons your church might not need an app...
This tech organization supports nonprofits with IT training, consulting, and general...
Center for Pastoral Excellence at Christian Theological Seminary
This organization offers a variety of programs for congregational leaders, including renewal...
Church in the Inventive Age
This book looks at the historical change of the church over the past four eras and equips...
MetaChurch: How to Use Digital Ministry to Reach People and Make Disciples
MetaChurch describes practical yet strategic ways to use digital ministry to provide...
The Social Church: A Theology of Digital Communication
This book provides perspective on social media from the viewpoint of Martin Luther and how...
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