
Phygital Church: Building Physical and Digital Space for Ministry Impact in 2021

Greg Snider, Video, 59 minutes., Wheaton College, IL, February 19, 2021


In this 60-minute presentation, ministry strategists explain how to adjust space usage when part of your congregation attends virtually.


facility design and use; possibilities for the post-pandemic ministry and worship; participate, attend, engage

Recommended Audience

clergy and leaders, especially program and technology leaders



Practical Applications

  • Empower your leadership team to make smart ministry adjustments to meet post-pandemic opportunities.
  • Encourage ministry leaders by sharing this video and encouraging them to envision the future of their ministry.

About the Contributor

Marie Fleming

Marie Fleming was a contract resource consultant for the Center for Congregations. Her consulting practice includes congregation-based Permaculture Design and equipping congregations for creation care.

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