73 results for Building


Church Building Maintenance
Curator Nancy DeMott
1 resources
Caring Congregations
Curator Doug Hanner
3 resources
Appreciative Team Building
Curator Abby Miller
6 resources
Church Building Programs
Curator Kate White
6 resources
Generational Discipleship in the Age of COVID
Curator Christina Embree
8 resources
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Building for Ministry: The Book That Will Save Your Church 1,000's of Dollars
This resource provides an overview of the building process, and covers the importance of...
Building a Life-Changing Small Group Ministry: A Strategic Guide for Leading Group Life in Your...
The first book of a series, this resource provides a how-to guide on building and leading...
Building a New Church: A Process Manual for Pastors and Lay Leaders
This resource covers a range of broad to specific topics relating to the building or...
Guidelines for the Building and Renovation of Churches
Written by The Diocesan Commission on Church Art and Architecture for the Archdiocese of...
Preparing to Build: Practical Tips and Experienced Advice to Prepare Your Church for a Building...
This comprehensive book takes readers through the complete building process from analysis to...
The Church Construction Kit: A Complete Project Guide for Church Building Programs
This practical guide will help your congregation navigate the building process, from the...
The Thin Book of Trust: An Essential Primer for Building Trust at Work
Part of the Thin Book Series, this resource presents a simple, yet careful approach to...
Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training: Dismantling Racism, Building Racial Justice in...
This organization facilitates conversations and trainings for congregations to address race...
Religious Buildings
The annual Traditional Building magazine is targeted to professionals in architecture,...
10 Reasons to Consider Purchasing an Existing Building for Your Church Expansion or Relocation...
This article argues that congregations seeking additional space may find their answer in...
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