This web resource offers evidence-based well-being education that congregations can share to promote mental health. Created by Dr. Darren Morton, an Australian author, professor, and speaker, The Lift Project aims to help people live happier and more hopeful lives. To do this, The Lift Project offers its curriculum to individuals and organizations. It also shares insights and creates community via social media and email. The monthly live online meeting includes a 10-minute presentation followed by time for discussion.
- Email newsletter
- The Lift Podcast on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and YouTube
- Free monthly online meetup
- 12-months of curriculum access
Recommended Audience
congregations interested in mental health and well-being
Varies per service
Practical Applications
- Listen to The Lift Podcast for insight into the project’s advice on well-being and share what you learn with your youth and education leaders.
- Share The Lift Project with congregational leaders to determine whether offering the curriculum would benefit your congregation and community.