11 results for Wellbeing


Wellness Ministry
Curator Kelly Minas
6 resources


The National Council for Mental Wellbeing
This organization can help congregations access resources to support people struggling with...
Caring for Wellbeing of Older Adults during COVID-19
This list provides ideas for coordinating care and connection for senior adults during...
web resource Updated
The Lift Project
This web resource offers evidence-based well-being education that congregations can share...
Unshakable You: 5 Choices of Emotionally Healthy People
This book can help congregations develop emotionally healthy mindsets. Author John...
Full Strength Network
This organization supports congregational leaders in prioritizing their mental, emotional,...
This organization provides resources and support for congregations starting a new health...
Youth Ministry During the Pandemic
These webinars offer culturally competent youth strategies to stay connected and maintain...
Liberated: The New Sexual Revolution
This documentary demonstrates how mainstream hookup culture impacts relationships, sex, and...
web resource
Black Mental Health: What You Need to Know
This resource provides an overview of how stigma about mental health impacts Black...
Flourishing in Ministry: How to Cultivate Clergy Well-Being
This book can help congregations understand the challenges that clergy face. Author Matt...
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