
The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place

by Andy Crouch Baker Books, April 18, 2017


This book takes readers beyond the what, where, and when of technology to outline a better lifestyle for your family.


research from Barna group about technology use, ideas for balancing technology use at home

Recommended Audience

family ministry leaders and parents, especially Christian


Purchase as a book or e-book

Practical Applications

  • Find support for nurturing children and youth in an era driven by entertainment devices.
  • Challenge your thinking about the role of technology in the home by reading this with other parents.

About the Contributor

Kara Faris

Kara Faris is the Center’s director of resource grants and resource consulting, as well as a resource consultant to congregations. She previously served for eight years as the Center’s education director.

Before working at the Center, Kara served First Friends Meeting of Indianapolis as associate pastor. With a degree in marketing from Butler University’s College of Business Administration and a master of divinity degree from Christian Theological Seminary, Kara brings a blend of pragmatism, intuition and passion for lifelong learning to the Center. Kara has authored Including Laity in Education Events Empowers Congregations and co-authored the book Divergent Church.

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