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Indiana's Black Churches Work to Combat Mental Health Crisis
This article describes the faithful and intentional journey of Black Church leaders in...
Kids on the Edge
This article and video produced by an Indianapolis television network explores the rise in...
The Ultimate Guide to Using TikTok for Churches
Is your congregation interested in engaging younger users through social media? If so,...
Working with Architects
Written by the resource experts at the Center for Congregations, this article details things...
Don't Ignore Use Of Space When Planning For A Church's Environmental Sustainability
This article helps a congregation incorporate building usage into its environmental...
The Future of Giving: Trends Shaping Next-Gen Philanthropy
This article provides insight into the giving patterns of millennials and Gen-Z.
It's Time to Reimagine the Church Parking Lot
Commentary: The Digital Stairway to Heaven, Black Churches and the Pandemic
Many churches have taken the opportunity to utilize the pandemic to foster a greater...
"How are you Doing?" Assessing Your Congregation and Community During COVID-19
This article offers tools to connect and care for your community during the COVID-19 crisis....
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