
The Soul of the Congregation: An Invitation to Congregational Reflection
This resource calls on readers to analyze the soul of their congregation --- what makes up...
Difficult Conversations: How to Discuss What Matters Most
This resource outlines the importance of initiating difficult conversations, providing tips on...
The Center for Parish Development
This organization provides resources and consulting to help congregations expand their...
Stephen Ministries
This organization provides resources and training for congregations to establish a ministry of...
Doing Justice: Congregations and Community Organizing
This book explores community organizing at the congregational level, providing theological...
Turnaround and Beyond: A Hopeful Future for the Small Membership Church
This book equips congregations with tools to move from maintenance to mission, examining the...
web resource
National Congregations Study
This website for the National Congregations Study provides data and survey results that...
Exponential Next
This organization promotes innovation among congregations by connecting entrepreneurial clergy...
¡Alabadle! Hispanic Christian Worship
Composed of several essays, this resource looks at Christian worship in Hispanic congregations...
Small, Strong Congregations: Creating Strengths and Health for Your Congregation
This book shares insight into why and how small congregations can be strong and viable.
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