This software helps congregations organize and automate social media content creation and posting. The discipls software aims to be an all-in-one tool to manage your social media.
The software includes artificial intelligence (AI) assistance that generates graphics and video clips and an interactive calendar for planning social media posts. The discipls software also integrates with popular social media apps, so congregations can create workflows that schedule social media posts and gather data (analytics) about social media users’ engagement with those posts.
- Post scheduling
- AI assistant
- Task calendar
- Planning Center app integration
- Recommendation support
- Engagement tracker
- Flexible pricing
Recommended Audience
Communications Directors, Operations Managers, Executive Pastors
Varies per service
Practical Applications
- Save time creating video clips of your congregation’s weekly sermon by using the AI assistant to make the clips for you.
- Coordinate your social media posts with your congregation’s event calendar by integrating your Planning Center calendar (PCO) subscription with discipls’ social media tools.
- Plan out your congregation's social media content, as well as other communications tasks like push notifications.
- Get data on your online audience and who attended worship online.