
Black Millennials & the Church: Meet Me Where I Am
This collection of African American narratives and statistics offers practical strategies to...
This organization equips churches to create disciples through small groups at homes, moving...
Sustainable Children's Ministry: From Last-Minute Scrambling to Long-Term Solutions
This resource provides congregations with the tips and tools to build a children's ministry...
Growing Small Group Leaders: One Year of Resources for Small Group Coaches
This one-year program uses a variety of tools like instructional handouts and training...
How to Have Helpful Conversations About Race in the Church: An Anti-Racism Resource
This 11-page guide offers a process and tools to engage in important conversations regarding...
web resource
White Privilege: Let's Talk - A Resource for Transformational Dialogue
The United Church of Christ offers a free, downloadable curriculum for White faith communities...
The New Copernicans Series
This series of short videos explores the nuances of faith, meaning, and everyday life in the...
The Developmental Relationships Framework
This printable page reminds youth leaders of healthy developmental strategies to nuture young...
web resource
Spirituality, Neuroplasticity and Personal Growth
This web resource, by Christian psychiatrist and author Curt Thompson, provides a YouTube...
Spiritual Formation in Emerging Adulthood: A Practical Theology for College and Young Adult Ministry
This research-based book looks at the practical and spiritual implications of emerging...
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