222 results for Practical


Crowdfunding for Congregations and Faith-related Non-profits
This guide shares practical information about crowdfunding as a stewardship strategy.
Families at the Center of Faith Formation
This resource combines research-based findings with practical tools to examine what makes for...
web resource
Seeking Shalom: How Reimagining Charity Can Transform Lives and Restore Communities
This 6-session, web-based curriculum brings together biblical scholars, community leaders,...
Plan 4 It: The 4 Essential Master Plans for Every Church
This book outlines how to strategically plan your building project by sharing practical wisdom...
web resource
Carey Nieuwhof
This web resource offers an inspirational and practical on-the-go podcast with insights from...
web resource
Ruderman Synagogue Inclusion Project Resources and Solutions
This web page lists 40 practical inclusion resources with tips, examples and templates to...
15 Ways to Engage a Young Man's Faith
This article draws from a study and key findings to detail 15 ways congregations can reach...
Best Practices for Mosque and Community Safety
This article from the Council on American-Islamic Relations offers practical steps to protect...
Holy Conversations: Strategic Planning as a Spiritual Practice for Congregations
This book of practical tools turns strategic planning into "holy conversations" guided by...
The Ten Commandments of iPad Preaching
Written by a pastor, this article offers suggestions for pastors considering using computer...
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