1769 results for Education And Awareness


Grant Readiness Series: A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating DEI Policies for Churches
This article supports congregational leaders as they develop DEI policies that might...
Hope for the Heart
Founded by June Hunt, Hope for the Heart is a biblical caregiving, coaching, and counseling...
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Community Integration Toolkit
The Community Integration Toolkit offers informational content and accompanying worksheets...
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Congregational Accompaniment Project for Asylum Seekers: Handbook for Congregations
This handbook provides an overview of the asylum-seeker accompaniment process, information...
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Toolkit For Churches Accompanying People Seeking Asylum
Presented by the Presbyterian Church (USA), this toolkit provides a thorough resource guide...
Media Ministry is an organization that works with congregational leaders in developing...
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Pastoring in the Digital Parish
This podcast, presented by Rev. Ryan Dunn, a minister of online engagement for United...
Let's Not Do Strategic Planning
Offering an alternative view to the traditional instinct to do strategic planning, the...
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Protecting Places of Worship: Six Steps to Enhance Security Against Targeted Violence | CISA
This document outlines actions that faith-based organizations and community leaders can...
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Sheepdog Church Security
Sheepdog Church Security is an organization based in Indianapolis that does training and...
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