587 results for Specialized Ministries


Our Help in Ages Past: The Black Church's Ministry Among the Elderly
This thoughtful guide offers tips and tools for congregations ministering to elder...
Safe Sanctuaries: The Church Responds to Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of Older Adults
This resource provides congregations with information and strategies to protect older members...
web resource
11 Principles for Improving Your Church's Small Groups
This short blog provides practical tips for implementing a small group ministry.
Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices: Money
This book provides a variety of Jewish voices and opinions on the topic of money --- how it...
Mission Trips that Matter: Embodied Faith for the Sake of the World
This resource seeks to optimize the impact of short term mission trips on young people by...
Ministry with Persons with Mental Illness and Their Families
Designed for clergy and lay caregivers, this resource takes an interdisciplinary approach to...
From Jay-Z to Jesus: Reaching and Teaching Young Adults in the Black Church
This practical resource offers a comprehensive view of ministry to black young adults,...
Fresh Hope: Living Well in Spite of a Mental Health Diagnosis
This workbook details a support group model for those diagnosed with bipolar disorder,...
Lead Small: Five Big Ideas Every Small Group Leader Needs to Know
This resource provides strategies for encouraging faith among children through small group...
Autism and Your Church: Nurturing the Spiritual Growth of People with Autism Spectrum Disorder
This book equips congregations to include people with autism, offering strategies and...
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