343 results for Leaders


The Transforming Center
This organization offers retreats for Christian leaders focused on spiritual formation themes...
New Life through Shared Ministry: Moving from Volunteering to Mission
This resource examines the shared ministry system as a way for congregations to support lay...
web resource
Children's Ministry Magazine
This website aims to serve children's ministry leaders, teams, teachers, and parents by...
People-Pleasing Pastors: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Approval-Motivated Leadership
This resource identifies harmful patterns of people-pleasing and offers remedies for them,...
Transformational Groups: Creating a New Scorecard for Groups
This resource presents key principles and practices for dynamic small groups while providing a...
SALT Nashville: The Visual Worship Conference
This annual conference trains worship leaders and those in the visual worship community in...
Accounting and Money for Ministerial Leadership: Key Practical and Theological Insights
This book written by a seminary professor introduces faith leaders to basic accounting,...
Tending to Eden: Environmental Stewardship for God's People
This resource guides individuals and congregations towards a path of responsible...
web resource
Rural Church Network of the United States and Canada
This web resource, by Rural Church Network, provides space for congregational leaders in...
Parish Size: Categories, Dynamics, and Issues
This article will help growing congregations identify new needs due to their size and how to...
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