1769 results for Education And Awareness


Association of Consultants for Liturgical Space
This organization offers a list of artists, architects, and liturgical consultants who are...
Healthy Disclosure: Solving Communication Quandaries in Congregations
This book examines how to avoid miscommunication, build trust, protect confidential...
Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation
This organization offers a wide variety of programs and resources for individuals who want to...
web resource
Pastoral Care in the Time of COVID-19
This curated list of resources helps faith leaders tend to unique circumstances such as...
A Look Inside a Funeral Home during COVID-19
This video provides a deep dive into the logistical and emotional duress of Black people and...
web resource
Social Justice & the Union for Reform Judaism
This web resource provided by The Union for Reformed Judaism has compiled a variety of...
Simon Sinek - The Golden Circle - Ted Talk
Ted Talk from Sinek's book "Start with Why" articulates the difference between value-based and...
Better Bylaws: Creating Effective Rules for Your Nonprofit Board
This comprehensive guide outlines how to create bylaws and is easily adaptable for...
Boomer Volunteer Engagement: Facilitator's Tool Kit
This resource is designed to help nonprofit groups involve, engage, and sustain baby boomers...
Comfort My People - A Policy Statement on Serious Mental Illness with Study Guide
Written by the Advisory Committee on Social Witness of the Presbyterian Church, this study...
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