153 results for Christian


King's Table Men's Conference
This event offers men an opportunity to gather for inspiration and encouragement to live...
Gridiron Men's Conference
This event offers Christian men an opportunity to gain encouragement from speakers and...
article Updated
Human-Centered AI: How Should the Church Engage With Emerging Artificial Intelligence Technologies?
This article helps congregational leaders explore how Christian theology can inform...
21 Dias para estar Cerca de Dios (21 Days to Be Closer to God)
This book can help youth ministry leaders engage young people in their Christian faith....
A Theology as Big as the City
This book offers congregations a perspective on developing an urban ministry through the...
web resource
Reframe Curriculum
This website offers curriculum options for Christian youth ministry leaders who seek...
Compelling Preaching Initiative
This organization supports projects that help Christian preachers develop their skills in...
web resource
Holy Post
This web resource produces podcasts, articles, and videos that help congregations explore...
Village Missions
This organization helps rural Christian congregations in the United States and Canada that...
web resource
Erasing Shame
This podcast helps congregational leaders understand and explore mental health topics with...
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