1769 results for Education And Awareness


The Gifts of the Small Church
This book offers a look inside the world of the small church, paying a tribute to the...
Delight in Disorder: Ministry, Madness, Mission
This resource reveals one pastor's journey with bipolar illness in a manner that sheds hope...
The Soul of the Congregation: An Invitation to Congregational Reflection
This resource calls on readers to analyze the soul of their congregation --- what makes up...
Correcting Poor Communication
Written by two consultants on human sexuality issues and abuse prevention in congregations,...
Discover Your Conflict Management Style
This resource will help the reader identify their conflict management tendencies before...
Church Mergers
This resource offers 30 questions congregations should consider before undergoing a merger,...
Center Church: Doing Balanced, Gospel-Centered Ministry in Your City
This comprehensive resource focuses on how God is revealed to the community through your...
Children of God Storybook Bible
Designed for children, this illustrated book retells over fifty Bible stories from the Old and...
Facing Decline, Finding Hope: New Possibilities for Faithful Churches
This book offers solutions for congregations who hope to grow a vibrant faith community...
Joy Unspeakable: Contemplative Practices of the Black Church
This resource explores the Black Church's longstanding history with contemplative practice...
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