343 results for Leaders


What Makes a Good Bible Study? The Answer May Not Be What You Think
This article provides guidance for Bible study leaders looking for a study resource,...
Facilitation at a Glance: Your Pocket Guide to Facilitation
This practical book teaches facilitation for anyone interested in coordinating group work or...
A Precious Fountain: Music in the Worship of an African American Catholic Community
This resource uses the lens of worship music to explore the culture of a Black Catholic parish...
The Life Cycle and Stages of Congregational Development
This article presents a life cycle model that can help leaders understand their congregation's...
Toward the Better Country: Church Closure and Resurrection
This book draws from interviews with clergy and lay leaders from over 40 different churches to...
We Look for the Resurrection of the Dead
This article looks at the story of one church's closure and describes how signs of death and...
web resource
Creating a Hospice Ministry for Churches
This web resource can help church leaders design a death process for a church that is both...
Sticky Faith Service Guide: Moving Students from Mission Trips to Missional Living
This guide provides a map for youth leaders to transform the short term mission trip into an...
Why We Aren't Learning
This article identifies four factors that keep congregational leaders from adapting.
Dealing with Neighborhood Transitions in Your Church, Part 2: Congregational Relocation
Part of a four-part series on ministry in changing neighborhoods, this article offers five...
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