1769 results for Education And Awareness


Guidance in Giving: Catholics Helping Catholics
This organization is a Catholic fundraising firm. They partner with Catholic Dioceses,...
Blessed: Ninety Days to Change Your World
This book aims to fuel passion for prayer life. It builds on the author's The Book on...
How to Talk with Farmers Under Stress
This article acknowledges the stressful nature of the farming occupation and provides...
Gridiron Men's Conference
This men's Conference is dedicated to building up male Christian leaders in their...
Stand-Up Preaching: Homiletical Insights from Contemporary Comedians
This book seeks to provide insight into the tools of stand-up comics to aid in the practice...
web resource
Motivational Interviewing (MINT)
This website contains a directory of trained, independently operating Motivational...
Finding Our Way Home Retreat for Religious Professionals of Color
Finding Our Way Home is an annual retreat hosted by the UUA for Unitarian Universalist (UU)...
web resource
UUA Worship For Transformation Training
This Worship Arts training is a web resource presented by Rev. Erika Hewitt for UU...
Veriditas is a non-profit organization that offers pilgrimages, labyrinth facilitator...
Pastor Serve
This organization offers coaching, crisis support and consulting for the challenges leaders...
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