176 results for Tools


This organization provides support for start-ups and existing non-profits including IRS...
Family-Care, Community-Care and Self-Care Tool Kit
This document created by the Community Healing Network in collaboration with the...
web resource
Look Up Indiana: Faith Resources
This is a resource for faith leaders at the intersection of faith and mental health,...
web resource
SAMHSA Information for Faith-Based and Community Leaders: Publications and Digital Products
SAMHSA is a wealth of information and practical tools related to Substance Abuse and Mental...
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
This organization provides hope, help, support, and education to improve the lives of...
Church Mental Health Summit
This conference is a one-day virtual event. Recordings are accessilble that are intended...
Full Strength Network
This organization provides tools and resources for the mental health and well-being of...
Why Stand-up Matters: How Comedians Manipulate and Influence
This book looks at the social and political impact of stand-up comedy in both its positive...
Stand-Up Preaching: Homiletical Insights from Contemporary Comedians
This book seeks to provide insight into the tools of stand-up comics to aid in the practice...
Rooted: Life at the Crossroads of Science, Nature, and Spirit
This book explores the connectedness between our natural surroundings with our bodies,...
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