1769 results for Education And Awareness


web resource
The Missional Church… Simple
Provided by Jeff Maguire, lead pastor of Mariners Church in Mission Viejo, CA, this web...
The Power of Positive Deviance: How Unlikely Innovators Solve the World's Toughest Problems
This resource introduces positive deviance as an ideal problem-solving model, describing how...
Faith Formation 2020: Designing the Future of Faith Formation
This resource presents diverse ways to look at the future of faith formation, highlighting...
SimpleGive: Online giving made simple
This customizable giving platform allows congregations to select a variety of services a la...
Five Strategic Advantages of Small Churches
This article identifies and details five strengths of smaller congregations while providing...
web resource
The Inclusive Church: Helping Churches Successfully Include Children with Special Needs
This blog is for congregational leaders desiring resources for special needs inclusion,...
American Religion: Contemporary Trends
This resource summarizes survey findings to provide a broad overview of trends in American...
Positive Change for Congregations
This article summarizes the experience of the Indianapolis Center for Congregations in...
What Every Pastor Should Know: 101 Indispensable Rules of Thumb for Leading Your Church
This toolkit lists 101 rules that can be applicable for nearly any congregation, and includes...
New Life through Shared Ministry: Moving from Volunteering to Mission
This resource examines the shared ministry system as a way for congregations to support lay...
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