1769 results for Education And Awareness


This organization helps facilitate leadership skills through engaging activities and ropes...
101 Social Media Tactics for Nonprofits: A Field Guide
This book offers tactics for congregations to better communicate through social media.
¡Alabadle! Hispanic Christian Worship
Composed of several essays, this resource looks at Christian worship in Hispanic congregations...
A Multi-Site Church Roadtrip: Exploring the New Normal
This book takes readers to various multi-site churches, highlighting dynamics unique to...
99 Thoughts for Smaller Church Youth Workers: Doing More with Less
This resource offers youth leaders of small churches hope and affirmation.
A Pastor's Toolbox 2: More Management Skills for Parish Leadership
This all-encompassing guidebook explains how to manage a parish, addressing issues ranging...
Beyond the Ordinary: Ten Strengths of U.S. Congregations
Based on research from the U.S. Congregational Life Survey, the authors identify ten strengths...
Bounty: Ten Ways to Increase Giving in Your Church
This comprehensive guide will help churches create a fundraising climate centered around faith...
4 VBS Strategies for This Summer
This booklet offers strategies to adjust your summer programming due to COVID-19.
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