343 results for Leaders


Giving and Stewardship in an Effective Church: A Guide for Every Member
This book provides clergy and congregational leaders with a four year plan for how to grow and...
How to Lead in Church Conflict: Healing Ungrieved Loss
This resource equips leaders to help congregations grieve and heal after conflict, focusing on...
10 Ways to Appropriately Respond to Racially-Fueled Events
This workshop shares 10 ways faith leaders can process and respond to racially fueled violence...
Mobilizing Congregations: How Teams Can Motivate Members and Get Things Done
This resource examines all aspects of ministry teams --- how they function, benefits, and...
Sticky Faith: Everyday Ideas to Build Lasting Faith in Your Kids
This research-based resource identifies steps leaders and parents can take to help students...
Reimagining Faith Formation for the 21st Century: Engaging All Ages and Generations
This book offers a conceptual framework for faith formation in a changing world. Practical...
Strategic Leadership for a Change: Facing Our Losses, Finding Our Future
This book offers insight into change, and empowers leaders to guide their congregations...
The Myth of the 200 Barrier: How to Lead Through Transitional Growth
This book is written for clergy and lay leaders of congregations struggling to break through...
The Indispensable Guide for Smaller Churches
Designed to help small church leaders improve their ministry, this book examines small...
web resource
Q Ideas
This website offers thought-provoking videos about today's current topics to empower...
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