28 results for Diverse


God and Race: A Guide for Moving Beyond Black Fists and White Knuckles
This book models how to start necessary conversations about race, encourage unity, and foster...
Mixed Blessing: Embracing the Fullness of Your Multiethnic Identity
This book uses scripture and history to teach about ethnic identity, calling, and diverse...
Yale Youth Ministry Institute
This extensive resource hub equips youth leaders to connect with diverse youth, walking...
Music That Makes Community
This nonprofit encourages vibrant, multi-ethnic and multi-lingual worship that connects people...
Resources for Maintaining Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic
This article from the Inclusive America Project highlights many faith traditions with links to...
The Color of Church: A Biblical and Practical Paradigm for Multiracial Churches
Drawing from the author's experience leading a multi-racial church, this book looks at the...
Faith in Action
This national faith-based organization mobilizes diverse faith leaders to advocate for...
Fast Facts for the Faith Community Nurse: Implementing FCN/Parish Nursing in a Nutshell
This resource provides quick access to content and tools for designing programs on diverse...
4 Opportunities for the Church in the Current Political Tension
This article shares strategies for congregations to be part of the solution during divisive...
2020 Election: Faith Leaders Call for Moral Courage
This panel encourages clergy to be community leaders beyond the 2020 election for the moral...
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