99 results for Learning


Immunity to Change: How to Overcome It and Unlock the Potential in Yourself and Your Organization
Written by two Harvard professors, this book addresses humanity's tendency to resist change...
Think Orange: Imagine the Impact When Church and Family Collide
This resource captures the impact congregations make when they use a more holistic and organic...
Encyclopedia of Positive Questions: Using Appreciative Inquiry to Bring out the Best in Your...
Written for companies, this resource will nonetheless be helpful for congregations as they...
Search Institute: Discovering What Kids Need to Succeed
This organization provides research and resources for congregations that help young people...
web resource
Vibrant Faith Catalyst
This interactive hub connects faith formation leaders with like-minded peers and a wealth of...
Shaping Spiritual Leaders: Supervision and Formation in Congregations
This resource re-frames how readers see supervisory relationships within the congregation,...
Building the Church's Readiness for a Transformational Ministry Journey
This research-based article is a roadmap to transformative community ministry with seven...
Living into Community: Cultivating Practices That Sustain Us
This book examines the four practices that shape community experience, and details situations...
Special Touch Ministry, Inc.
This congregation has a wide variety of resources, including retreats, conferences, and...
Preaching That Matters: Reflective Practices for Transforming Sermons
This sensitive and informative book is designed to help preachers deepen their skills and...
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