35 results for Learning


How Your Congregation Learns: The Learning Journey from Challenge to Achievement
This resource lays out a process for congregational leaders to move from identifying a...
Teaching Cross-Culturally: An Incarnational Model for Learning and Teaching
This resource combines anecdotes, information, and explanations to equip teachers with the...
Becoming a Congregation of Learners: Learning as a Key to Revitalizing Congregational Life
This book outlines five stages to transform synagogues into learning congregations.
web resource
My Jewish Learning
My Jewish Learning is a one-stop resource for individuals and families looking for information...
Videos for Learning About Refugee Families and Youth
These short videos share what refugee youth and their families face when adjusting to life in...
The Learning Congregation
This essay discusses eight behaviors of congregations that learn well.
Honoring the Generations: Learning with Asian North American Congregations
This resource explores opportunities for ministry in the Asian North American Christian...
Generations Together: Caring, Praying, Learning, Celebrating, & Serving Faithfully
This comprehensive guide helps congregations lay the groundwork for establishing vibrant...
The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership (CLAL)
This organization offers leadership training, a think tank for collaborative engagement, and a...
Why We Aren't Learning
This article identifies four factors that keep congregational leaders from adapting.
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