32 results for Poverty


Troubled Minds: Mental Illness and the Church's Mission
This resource challenges, today's Christian church to take seriously Jesus' teachings about...
web resource
Learning for Justice
This resource hub helps students K-12 to learn about diversity and social justice issues. ...
web resource
Communities of Salt and Light: Reflections on the Social Mission of the Parish
On this site, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops provides a wide variety of...
Anathoth Community Garden & Farm
This garden and farm acts as a local community center and offers a space for spiritual growth...
Applying Positive Deviance
This article tells the story of seven congregations in Indiana that used positive deviance to...
Charity Detox: What Charity Would Look Like if We Cared About Results
This resource advocates for charitable approaches that create systemic change, describing...
web resource
Equal Justice Initiative (EJI)
This organization sheds light on America's legacy of slavery, racial violence, and mass...
The New Parish: How Neighborhood Churches are Transforming Mission, Discipleship and Community
This resource identifies the church as a solution to cultural individualism, arguing that...
Change the World: Recovering the Message and Mission of Jesus
This video details the story of how one congregation in Ohio has grown into a vital ministry...
Our Help in Ages Past: The Black Church's Ministry Among the Elderly
This thoughtful guide offers tips and tools for congregations ministering to elder...
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