14 results for Poverty


When Helping Hurts: How to Alleviate Poverty Without Hurting the Poor… and Yourself
This resource provides a frank analysis of poverty from a social science and community...
Hope For Children In Poverty: Profiles and Possibilities
This collection of essays, testimonies, and reflections offers inspirational and practical...
Our Day to End Poverty: 24 Ways You Can Make a Difference
Written by a long-time justice advocate, this family-friendly guide connects everyday tasks to...
National Center for Children in Poverty
This organization promotes family-oriented solutions to childhood poverty at the state and...
Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City
Princeton sociologist Matthew Desmond shares how eight families in Milwaukee struggle to keep...
A Place at the Table: 40 Days of Solidarity with the Poor
This book outlines a 40-day spiritual journey to practice compassion and eat in solidarity...
Tending to Eden: Environmental Stewardship for God's People
This resource guides individuals and congregations towards a path of responsible...
Helping Without Hurting in Church Benevolence: A Practical Guide to Walking with Low-Income People
This guide offers a toolkit to make client-based ministry with the poor more transformative...
PovertyCure: From Aid to Enterprise
This network of organizations promotes solutions for poverty that empower poor communities and...
The Chalmers Center
This organization trains local churches to empower poor communities to overcome cycles of...
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