41 results for The Black Church


Black Church Studies: An Introduction
This resource considers core aspects of the Black Church, providing insight into its history,...
Black Church Studies
This Louisville Presbyterian Seminary program equips African American leaders to minister in...
The Black Church in the African American Experience
This book offers a history of the Black Church, highlighting intricacies and demonstrating why...
Black Church 75 Inc.
This organization encourages registration and voter turnout from Black churches.
Joy Unspeakable: Contemplative Practices of the Black Church
This resource explores the Black Church's longstanding history with contemplative practice...
Mental Health and the Black Church
This article outlines the plight of the African American church specifically after Covid-19...
The Black Church (PBS): This Is Our Story, This Is Our Song
This two-part PBS documentary celebrates the Black Church as a bedrock of resilience...
To Serve This Present Age: Social Justice Ministries in the Black Church
This practical guide for the Black Church provides a model for social justice ministries. The...
In Search of Wisdom: Faith Formation in the Black Church
Composed of eight essays, this resource uses biblical texts, African traditions, and...
Training in Black Church Administration
This video lecture explores leadership responsibilities in the Black church, outlining...
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