85 results for Conflict


Transforming Church Conflict: Compassionate Leadership in Action
This book evaluates nonviolent communication as a useful tool to be used by churches as a...
Every Congregation Needs a Little Conflict
This book reveals how congregations can deal with conflict in a healthy way that will promote...
Levels of Conflict - Based on the work of Speed Leas
This article summarizes Speed Leas' work on the five levels of congregational conflict.
The Peacemaking Pastor: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Church Conflict
This scripture-based book offers a Biblical view of peacemaking to help congregations through...
The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict
This book is based off a four-part biblical peacemaking method centered around the New...
Antagonists in the Church: How to Identify and Deal with Destructive Conflict
This resource offers insight on how to identify a bully or antagonist and guidance to address...
Orchestrate the Conflict: How to Creatively Engage Conflict to Achieve Leadership Goals
This book chapter offers a variety of strategies for congregations to address conflict...
Discover Your Conflict Management Style
This resource will help the reader identify their conflict management tendencies before...
Avoiding All-Out Church War
This pack of eight articles educates readers about conflict and how to mitigate it in a...
What To Do When… A Fight Breaks Out
These two video discussions suggest how to avoid congregational conflict and what to do when...
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