81 results for Action


Cancer – Now What? Taking Action, Finding Hope, and Navigating the Journey Ahead
Written in 12 sections, this pastoral guide for cancer patients and their caretakers offers a...
book Updated
The Art of Powerful Questions: Catalyzing Insight, Innovation and Action
This 16-page booklet provides a practical framework for formulating powerful questions, skills...
Building the Church's Readiness for a Transformational Ministry Journey
This research-based article is a roadmap to transformative community ministry with seven...
web resource
Blessed Tomorrow
This website offers resources to equip leaders to engage their communities for meaningful...
Reclaiming the Gospel of Peace: Challenging the Epidemic of Gun Violence
This book published after the Sandy Hook shooting is the result 200 Episcopal bishops...
We Are Called To Be A Movement
This short book describes the power of justice movements and calls faith leaders to action.
Urban Ministry: An Introduction
This book combines theory and practical tips to place urban ministry front and center,...
What Now? Creative Tool for COVID-19 Planning
This 3-hour self-facilitated planning process helps teams think creatively to make an action...
Cultivating Nonviolence, Harvesting Peace
This training prepares participants to respond to personal and societal conflict with...
Every Congregation Needs a Little Conflict
This book reveals how congregations can deal with conflict in a healthy way that will promote...
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