239 results for Building


web resource
Your Church Property: Self-Inspection Checklists for Churches
This article provides a checklist to inspect your congregational facility for safety...
web resource
Negotiating the Coming Wave of Church Property Transitions
This video interview can help congregations understand why planning for the future use of...
web resource
Making Space Podcast
This podcast explores how physical spaces (especially congregational spaces) form and shape...
Relating to Contractors
This two-page guide from congregational experts offers commonsense tips and tools to get the...
Managing Empty Buildings during COVID
This webinar highlights considerations for an empty worship facility such as safety,...
Phygital Church: Building Physical and Digital Space for Ministry Impact in 2021
In this 60-minute presentation, ministry strategists explain how to adjust space usage when...
Guidelines for the Building and Renovation of Churches
Written by The Diocesan Commission on Church Art and Architecture for the Archdiocese of...
Don't Ignore Use Of Space When Planning For A Church's Environmental Sustainability
This article helps a congregation incorporate building usage into its environmental...
media Updated
Navigating the Church Facility Journey
This episode of the Church Leadership Lab series provides insights on planning, designing,...
The Welcoming Congregation: Roots and Fruits of Christian Hospitality
This book analyzes the theme of hospitality from multiple aspects, including the author's own...
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