24 results for Buildings


Chasing Sacred Air: A Common Sense Guide to Energy Efficiency in Sacred Buildings
This resource helps congregations take the first steps towards becoming more energy efficient...
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Navigating the Church Facility Journey
This episode of the Church Leadership Lab series provides insights on planning, designing,...
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How the Church Can Serve Society by Changing the Way it Handles Property
This article shares a conversation between Duke University's Faith and Leadership...
FILO (First In Last Out)
This organization supports staff and volunteers who work on their congregation’s...
Burhani Design Architects
This organization can help congregations evaluate and design buildings or properties with a...
Preserving Black Churches
This national funder helps Black Churches repair historic buildings and tell their stories....
A Life Well-Measured TEDTalk
In this 20-minute video, a rabbi and entrepreneur shares ideas around family, what is...
Managing Church Facility Use
Published as a part of the Church Tax and Law Ministy of Christianity Today, this helpful...
Guidance for the New Normal
This blog post summarizes good reopening practices from multiple sources for returning to...
5 Tips and Best Practices for Church Disinfecting Protocols
This article lists tips and best practices for disinfecting congregational buildings.
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