367 results for Can


Can I Ask That?: 8 Hard Questions About God & Faith
Part of the Sticky Faith curriculum produced by Fuller Youth Institute, this resource provides...
New Wine, New Wineskins: How African American Congregations Can Reach New Generations
This resource notes the historic role of the African American church and challenges...
Thriving Through Ministry Conflict: A Parable of How Resistance Can Be Your Ally
This book seeks to resolve conflict on an individual level, asserting that the only thing one...
Real Good Church: How Our Church Came Back from the Dead, and Yours Can, Too
Written using the author's personal experience in renewing her church, this resource details...
Three Things Churches Can Do to Change the Mental Health Crisis in America
This article helps congregations address the mental health crisis by offering practical,...
How People of Color Can Experience Grief Differently Than White People
This online article describes the fact that marginalized communities are affected by loss...
The Volunteer Effect: How Your Church Can Find, Train, and Keep Volunteers Who Make a Difference
The authors of this book, Jason Young and Jonathon Malm, recognize that volunteers for...
How the Church Can Serve Society by Changing the Way it Handles Property
This article shares a conversation between Duke University's Faith and Leadership...
How Your Children's Ministry Can Reach Refugees
This article helps congregations understand the refugee crisis, reconcile why there might...
Anatomy of the Soul: Surprising Connections between Neuroscience and Spiritual Practices that Can...
This book explores neuroscience and faith from the perspective of a Christian psychiatrist.
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