23 results for Crisis Leadership


7 Shifts Churches Need to Make Because of the Coronavirus
This article encourages intentional leadership shifts to remain vital during COVID-19.
10 Ways to Appropriately Respond to Racially-Fueled Events
This workshop shares 10 ways faith leaders can process and respond to racially fueled violence...
Alternatives to Calling the Police
This resource page unpacks why a congregation might call police and highlights alternatives...
web resource
Jewish Values and the Coronavirus
This resource hub supports value-based leadership and ethical decision making during COVID-19....
Guidance for the New Normal
This blog post summarizes good reopening practices from multiple sources for returning to...
web resource
Resources for Community- and Faith-Based Leaders
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers emergency planning guidelines and...
Equitable Downsizing
This article shares considerations for downsizing congregational staff in equitable and...
web resource
Spiritual & Communal Responses to COVID-19
This Facebook group is a forum where multi-faith clergy can share COVID-19 practices and...
10 Tips: Financial Navigation for Synagogue Leaders During a Crisis
This article provides tips for congregational crisis management including finances,...
The Nature of Adaptive Leadership
This short video describes leadership tools and strategies to address complex challenges.
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