23 results for Facilitation


Facilitator's Guide to Participatory Decision Making
This comprehensive resource teaches the nuts and bolts of facilitating group decision-making...
Susan Beaumont and Associates, LLC
This organization provides consulting and online resources for leaders who serve large...
Hayim Herring Consulting
This consulting group helps synagogues with planning, organizational renewal, decision-making,...
The Little Book of Dialogue for Difficult Subjects: A Practical, Hands-On Guide
This peacebuilding book offers a group dialogue process and conversation skills to build...
The Little Book of Cool Tools for Hot Topics: Group Tools to Facilitate Meetings When Things Are Hot
This concise book will be helpful for people looking to spark conversations about difficult...
Crossroads Antiracism Organizing and Training: Dismantling Racism, Building Racial Justice in...
This organization facilitates conversations and trainings for congregations to address race...
web resource
Appreciative Inquiry Commons
This online hub for all things AI explains the positive change framework, offers a wide range...
Unite For Change
This Indianapolis-based organization supports community engagement and servant leadership to...
This deck of cards helps facilitate team building through conversational games and follow up...
Reaching Out to Singles Assessment Pack
This training pack contains eight stand-alone assessment tools designed to guide conversations...
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