286 results for Pastor


web resource
Empathy and Anti Racism
This interview shares life experiences of a Sikh man and how to find shared humanity,...
web resource
Mental Health Resources to Support the LGBTQ+ Community
This article features a comprehensive list of resources for people in the LGBTQ community...
Church Administration: Building Success Through Collective Organization
This manual for day-to-day operations is a step-by-step roadmap for organizing staff and...
Training in Black Church Administration
This video lecture explores leadership responsibilities in the Black church, outlining...
Mental Health in the Church & Community
This book provides information regarding mental illness and mental health conditions and...
The Faith and Mental Wellness Podcast with Brittney Moses
This podcast, hosted by Brittney Moses, explores how faith and mental wellness intersect.
This organization provides leadership and content for peer support groups for those dealing...
Eskenazi Health Gender Health Program
This organization provides counseling and spiritual care services for older adolescent and...
web resource
CXMH Faith and Mental Health Podcast
This podcast, hosted by two mental health professionals, explores the intersection of faith...
web resource
United Methodist Church's Promoting Health and Wholeness
An online resource for the holistic well being of all people, mental, physical and...
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