23 results for Relevant


This organization's mission is to ensure that influential leaders have the resources and...
Missional Marketing
This Christian advertising, marketing, and SEO agency helps congregations stay relevant in the...
Pass the Mic
This weekly podcast from The Witness Black Christian Collective offers engaging interviews...
Dealing with Dangerous People
This article helps churches identify dangerous behaviors and outlines strategies for keeping...
Traditioned Innovation
This short article explains how congregations can achieve transformative change by upholding...
Big Lessons from Little Places: Faithfulness and the Future in Small Congregations
This book argues that small congregations offer relevant lessons appropriate for any size of...
Healthy Minds
This series of 30-minute videos provides stimulating and relevant topics related to mental...
Flying in the Face of Tradition: Listening to the Lived Experience of the Faithful
This resource critiques the Roman Catholic church with love and grace, diagnosing its...
Christians in an Age of Wealth: A Biblical Theology of Stewardship
Part of a series, this resource offers an evangelical theological framework for understanding...
Navigating the Medical Maze: A Practical Guide
This e-book guides readers through issues impacting our medical choices, providing relevant...
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