27 results for Spiritual Formation


Please Pass the Faith: The Art of Spiritual Grandparenting
This resource looks at the role grandparenting plays in passing faith to future generations,...
Church Growth from an African American Perspective
This book analyzes the ingredients for growth, providing congregations with the tools to build...
web resource
Communities of Calling Website
The Collegeville Institute at St. John’ s School of Theology offers resources and...
web resource
Head to Heart Confirmation Curriculum
This web resource by Faith5 organization offers up-to-date understandings of adolescent...
Faith Formation in Adulthood
This resource combines theoretical and practical information to cover what a congregation...
Dreaming of More for the Next Generation: Lifetime Faith Ignited by Family Ministry
Scripturally-based, this book equips congregations to attend to the family as the center of...
Becoming a Blessed Church: Forming a Church of Spiritual Purpose, Presence, and Power
This book demonstrates what can happen when a congregation seeks God's purpose, presence, and...
It Worked for Us: Best Practices for Ministry with Children and Families
This series of essays weaves wisdom and practical suggestions from dozens of experienced...
person person
Bishop Jacqueline McCullough
Bishop Jacqueline McCullough is an international speaker that provides spiritual...
The Transforming Center
This organization offers retreats for Christian leaders focused on spiritual formation themes...
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